Schedule of Events
9:30 am - 11:30 am: Drop off gently used ski gear
11:30 am - Noon : Eat delicious chili
Noon- 1:00 pm: AGM, open to the public
1 pm - 3 pm: Buy gently used ski gear (people who attend the AGM get first access to gear at 1 pm)
3 pm - 3:30 pm: Pick up unsold ski gear. Leftover gear will be donated to local thrift stores.
The only way that we can host a successful gear swap is by many volunteers pitching in to help.
We need people to help with set-up, take down, cooking chili, serving at the kitchen, bake sales etc.
Thanks for you help! Please choose as many roles as you can help with. To volunteer please see the sign up form.
For any questions, please contact SNSC Info.